Witte BOOSTER Gear Pump
Witte BOOSTER Gear Pump
Marque: Witte
Gear pumps for pressure increase
The reliable pressure increase pump for the polymer process.
BOOSTER gear pumps from WITTE are used in the polymerization process to increase the pressure of medium to high viscous media. The hydraulically heated booster pump transports prepolymers and polymers, such as PET, PBT, PS, ABS and many others, in a very gentle manner. The heating is done through heat transfer oil or steam.
The core components such as shafts and friction bearings come from the WITTE unit block building system. The pressure increase pumps from the BOOSTER series are used wherever particularly high pressure is needed for the process. High pressures are needed, among other things, for the granulation, fiber production or for spinning pumps. The design of the BOOSTER pressure increase pumps can be adjusted to the needs of the plant and the customer’s requests.
Witte Fiches techniques
Pays et langue | Nom du fichier | Lien de téléchargement |
United States (English) | WITTE_PB_Portfolio_EN_rev002_102019_low_b5e35a_80259.pdf | Télécharger |
United States (English) | BOOSTER_EN_728dd3_65615.pdf | Télécharger |
United States (English) | CHEM_MINI_EN_b374a5_23763.pdf | Télécharger |
United States (English) | EXTRU_ll_b_EN_7483ad_98230.pdf | Télécharger |
United States (English) | EXTRU_lll_EN_b99f62_70481.pdf | Télécharger |
United States (English) | Gear-pump-Rubber-applications_EN_5f3459_23113.pdf | Télécharger |
United States (English) | WITTE_PB_CHEMIE_24Seite_EN_rev002_102019_low_cbff83_74636.pdf | Télécharger |
Deutschland (Deutsch) | BOOSTER_DE_0a4c0e_95441.pdf | Télécharger |
Deutschland (Deutsch) | CHEM_MINI_DE_cfee2b_55196.pdf | Télécharger |
Deutschland (Deutsch) | EXTRU_ll_b_DE_fb703b_56959.pdf | Télécharger |
Deutschland (Deutsch) | EXTRU_lll_DE_9b0d29_58248.pdf | Télécharger |
Deutschland (Deutsch) | Gear-pump-Rubber-applications_EN_6985fb_23576.pdf | Télécharger |
Deutschland (Deutsch) | WITTE_PB_Chemie_DE_S24_rev002_102019_low_9adffe_53999.pdf | Télécharger |
Deutschland (Deutsch) | WITTE_PB_Portfolio_DE_S28_rev002_102019_low_5b1b2a_11492.pdf | Télécharger |
中国(简体 | BOOSTER_CN_30ffc1_63664.pdf | Télécharger |
中国(简体 | CHEM_CN_a32dff_39653.pdf | Télécharger |
中国(简体 | CHEM_MINI_EN_be5f9b_61949.pdf | Télécharger |
中国(简体 | EXTRU_ll_b_EN_fa4bd2_94454.pdf | Télécharger |
中国(简体 | Folder_Company_CN_f79efb_25715.pdf | Télécharger |
中国(简体 | Folder_Extru_III_CN_4c4a4d_50187.pdf | Télécharger |
中国(简体 | Gear-pump-Rubber-applications_EN_b4f201_68501.pdf | Télécharger |
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