Unimec TP 25022 Trapezoidal Screw Jack Render

Unimec TP 25022 Trapezoidal Screw Jack Render

Kod: TP 25022
Marka: Unimec


Material Normative Specification Indications
Worm 16NiCr4 EN 10084:2008 Casehardening alloy steel Casehardened and ground on teeth and holds
Worn wheel CuAl10Fe2-GZ EN 1982:2008 Alluminium bronze Centrifuged
Threaded spindle C45 EN 10083-2:2006 Carbon steel Tr 250x22 (ISO 2901:2016) - Rolled or machined
Carter S235 J0 EN 10025-2:2005 Welded carbon steel Completely machined on 6 faces
Lubricant Unimec Mark CA Calcium based grease 28 kg

General features

Operating temperature [°C] -10 °C / 80 °C
Static load (traction or compression) 3000 kN
Dynamic load (traction or compression) 2000 kN
Maximum input speed 1800 rpm
Main gearbox weight 1200 kg
Trapezoidal screw weight 350 kg/m
Anti-rotation torque at maximum load 35800 Nm
Maximum admissible static lateral loads 50 kN
Center-to-center diameter 250 mm
Maximum radial load on worm 3,8 kN
Standard working conditions 25 °C - servizio 10%

Specific features

Nominal ratios
1/12 1/36
Real ratio 1/12 1/36
Translation per worm revolution 1,83 mm 0,61 mm
Efficiency 14 % 9 %
Start-up efficiency 8 % 5 %
Maximum linear speed 1100 1375
Torque at maximum load 3700 Nm 1570 Nm
Worm screw maximum torque 28500 Nm 28500 Nm
Idle torque 12 Nm 8 Nm

Euler's law (safety factor =2; dynamic compression load)
Limit Load 1 (red) - 2 (blue) - 3 (green)
C = Load [kN]
L = Overall trapezoidal screw length [mm]

Power curves

The magenta zone indicates a potential heating risk. Working cycles must be carefully analized.
VR = Worm rotational speed [rpm]
VL = Spindle translation speed [mm/min]
P = Requested input power [kW]

Construction forms

Forma S

Forma B

Forma D

Unimec Veri Sayfaları

Ülke ve Dil Dosya Adı İndirme Bağlantısı
United States (English) Unimec-EN_59050.pdf İndir
Deutschland (Deutsch) Unimec-DE_13807.pdf İndir
Italy (Italiano) Unimec-IT_75906.pdf İndir
中国(简体 Unimec-CN_95426.pdf İndir

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