Beko Technologies ÖWAMAT 8 Oil-Water Separators

Beko Technologies ÖWAMAT 8 Oil-Water Separators

Código: ÖWAMAT 8
Marca: Beko Technologies

ÖWAMAT has been a tried and tested oil-water separation system for dispersed condensates for decades. It has been awarded a building regulation´s approval for the versions with and without free oil separation, for synthetic or mineral oils as well as for processing condensate generated by piston- and screw compressors, therefore not requiring any legislation for water protection approval.

For the processing, the oil-containing condensate first flows under pressure into the pressure relief chamber. Here, the pressure is reduced without causing turbulence in the downstream separating tank for the separation of free oils. Any entrained coarse dirt particles are retained in a removable receiver. In the separating tank, the oil settles on the surface as a result of gravity separation and is led into the spillproof oil receiver.

Technical data ÖWAMAT®

Minimum / maximum Compressor performance1,4 ... 2,4 m³/min2,8 ... 4,9 m³/min4,2 ... 7,3 m³/min8,4 ... 14,6 m³/min16,9 ... 29,3 m³/min33,8 ... 58,5 m³/min
Container capacity10 l18,6 l30,6 l61,3 l115,5 l228,4 l

Beko Technologies Hojas de Datos

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United States (English) beko_technologies_preisliste_2016_3bffa9_50258.pdf Descargar
United States (English) 20-0022_BEKO_Kompetenzbro_Messtechnik_INT_display_3ce986_11251.pdf Descargar
United States (English) 77-00042_BEKO_Filtration_INT_display_b600d1_26556.pdf Descargar
United States (English) 77-00002_BEKO_Kondensattechnik_EN-INT_display_0849b7_67116.pdf Descargar
United States (English) 77-00012_BEKO_Trocknung_EN-INT_display_536d24_21379.pdf Descargar
Deutschland (Deutsch) 19-0356_BEKO_Kompetenz_Messtechnik_DE_display_9eeb65_25669.pdf Descargar
Deutschland (Deutsch) 77-00001_BEKO_Kondensattechnik_DE_display_6fc12e_60119.pdf Descargar
Deutschland (Deutsch) 77-00011_BEKO_Trocknung_DE_display_3cab94_15148.pdf Descargar
Deutschland (Deutsch) 77-00041_BEKO_Filtration_DE_display_97b26a_95931.pdf Descargar
Italy (Italiano) 170043_BEKO_Trocknung_IT_display2_d1f771_81846.pdf Descargar
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Italy (Italiano) 170045_BEKO_Kondensattechnik_IT_display_13bad2_56726.pdf Descargar
Italy (Italiano) 180127_BEKO_Filtration_IT_610bf9_30311.pdf Descargar
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