Solberg F-384P(2)-DN300 Big Boy Inlet Filters

  • Solberg F-384P(2)-DN300 Big Boy Inlet Filters

Solberg F-384P(2)-DN300 Big Boy Inlet Filters

Code: F-384P(2)-DN300
Brand: Solberg

Technical Specifications ■ Temp (continuous): min -15°F (-26°C) max 220°F (104°C) ■ Filter change out differential: 15-20” H2O over initial ΔP ■ Pressure drop graphs available upon request ■ Polyester: 99%+ removal efficiency standard to 5 micron ■ Paper: 99%+ removal efficiency standard to 2 micron

Solberg Datasheets

Country & Language File Name Download Link
United States (English) MM-Discharge-Filters_US_fc2db1_35224.pdf Download
United States (English) MM-Inlet-Vacuum-Filters_US_17bc33_83328.pdf Download
United States (English) MM-Intake-Filters_US_03b93e_64044.pdf Download
United States (English) MM-Liquid-Removal-Vapor-Condensing_US_c8be62_97414.pdf Download

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