About Us
About Us
Kraftindustrie GmbH
When and where was Kraftindustrie GmbH founded?
Krafindustrie GmbH was founded as an engineering company at Berlin in 2015 and moved to Nürnberg in 2016.
What is the main business of Krafindustrie GmbH?
Krafindustrie GmbH is an engineering company specialized in the supply of spare parts, components, consumables for different sectors of industry (like an iron and steel, paper, oil and gas, food & bewerage, etc...) on all over the world.
Why should costumers choose Krafindustrie GmbH?
Generally when you need a spare part, we know that you are under pressure. We will do our best to supply your requests in best prices and shortest delivery times and decrease your pressure level.
What do we offer to our customers before and after sales ?
We promise to you quick response (positive or negative), the best prices and delivery times we can.