Zander Aachen SPEEDY-Series High-Speed-Controller

  • Zander Aachen SPEEDY-Series High-Speed-Controller

Zander Aachen SPEEDY-Series High-Speed-Controller

代码: SPEEDY-Series
品牌: Zander Aachen

The SPEEDY-ZX series are micro-PLC, which enable maximum output at small dimensions. They are much faster than any conventional PLC.

Types with 4 inputs / 4 outputs ZX4T or with 9 inputs / 8 outputs are available. This means: SPEEDY processes your programme internally in an absolutely parallel manner in real-time, without cycle time.

Programming via Zander Software EX_PRESS 4 in Structured Text (ST) according to IEC 61131-3.

Zander Aachen 资料表

国家和语言 文件名 下载链接
United States (English) Zander-Aachen-EN_42085.pdf 下载

