Hauber 031 Short-circuit signalling relay

  • Hauber 031 Short-circuit signalling relay

Hauber 031 Short-circuit signalling relay

코드: Hauber 031 Short-circuit signalling relay
브랜드: Hauber

The short-circuit signalling relay is used to monitor short circuits in the traction power supply. The short-circuit signalling relay compares the present overhead line current with an internally set threshold value. If this threshold is exceeded, the short-circuit signalling relay (KSMR) switches the external KM (KE) relay.

Hauber 데이터 시트

국가 및 언어 파일 이름 다운로드 링크
United States (English) HAUBER-EN_51697.pdf 다운로드
Deutschland (Deutsch) HAUBER-DE_45512.pdf 다운로드

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